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10th June, 2024 - 6.35pm: Following a 999 call, firefighters found a derelict static caravan wel...Read more

9th June, 2024 - 18:07: We received a call at 6.07pm this evening (9 June) about a recycling c...Read more

Waste fire – Stert

Date: 23rd May, 2024

Time: 3.20pm

Description: We are currently dealing with a fire at a recycling facility, where a large steel and concrete sided shed containing baled cardboard is well alight. At at 5pm, crews are on scene from Devizes, Trowbridge (x2), Pewsey, Gillingham, Chippenham (x2), Marlborough, Swindon and Amesbury, together with a water carrier from Wilton (approx. 45 firefighters) – a second water carrier and a high volume pump are also en route. The focus is on preventing fire spread and bringing the incident under control. There is thick smoke rising from the site, so local residents are advised to keep their doors and windows closed as a precaution.

10:35pm The incident has been scaled back and good progress is being made. The high volume pump is in use and a watching brief will continue through the evening and over night.

8.30am, 24 May - Good progress is being made, firefighters have been working with on-site personnel to extinguish the fire and move unaffected waste away from the fire. The attendance was scaled back overnight and there is now just one crew on site. The high-volume pump from Christchurch was mobilised on Thursday afternoon to provide a better water supply, and temporary traffic lights have been set up outside the site to protect this.

Location: Monument Hill, Devizes, UK

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