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Hate crime

A hate crime is any instance where someone has been targeted because they are believed to be different.

This could be motivated by: race, colour, ethnic origin, nationality or national origins; religion or faith; gender or gender identity; sexual orientation or sexual identity; and disability.

It may include verbal or written abuse, harassment or intimidation, damage to property, assault, or offensive texts or emails.

Why report a hate crime?

It is important to report hate crimes, as everyone has the right to live free from fear, prejudice and violence, regardless of their race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, sexual orientation or any other difference.

By reporting hate crimes, you may be able to prevent them from happening to someone else. If you are the victim or a witness of hate crime, or know someone who is the victim of hate crime, you can report it to the police – in an emergency, telephone 999 or, in a non-emergency, telephone 101.

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