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10th June, 2024 - 6.35pm: Following a 999 call, firefighters found a derelict static caravan wel...Read more

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Safe Drive Stay Alive returns to Dorset schools

Date: 27th September, 2021

Safe Drive Stay Alive, which is coordinated by Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service (DWFRS) on behalf of Wiltshire & Swindon Road Safety Partnership and Dorset Road Safe, is returning to the schools of Dorset to ensure its life-saving messages still reach young people.

Covid-19 meant the flagship road safety programme aimed at Year 11-13 students had to be delivered digitally. Now that restrictions have lifted, schools once again have the option to view the presentation live.

The presentation uses powerful personal testimony and video footage to make the audience aware of the tragedy and suffering caused by road traffic collisions. Firefighters, medics, police officers, bereaved parents and people who have been directly involved in such incidents recount their stories.

Christine Sharma, road safety manager at Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service, explained: “Our brave speakers are all local to our service area and have experienced the reality of road traffic collisions, whether as a member of the emergency services, as a victim or as a parent who has lost a child. It is this reality that makes it so successful. We’ve learned and adapted a great deal over the last 12-18 months, incorporating more behaviour change theory and including tools to help empower young people to make the right choices both as passengers and drivers. We are excited about returning to schools and adapting these to our live delivery.”

Safe Drive Stay Alive has already delivered digital shows for Twynham School, Christchurch, and Ferndown Upper School. Further live shows are scheduled for The Gryphon School, Sherborne (29 September), the LeAF Studio (13 October), as well as Shaftesbury School and Blandford School (3 November).

Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service are always looking for partners and sponsorship to sustain delivery and continue the life-changing messages within. To find out how we can help you keep your staff safe and meet your corporate social responsibility, whilst you can help us sustain delivery, please contact Christine Sharma on 07771 594981.

A parallel programme of school shows are being held in Wiltshire.

More dates are being added to the current programme so, if you would like to book the roadshow for your school, please contact Hannah Lynch at [email protected]

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