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Planning underway for Weymouth Fire Cracker

Date: 16th November, 2018

A charity Christmas fayre is being organised at Weymouth fire station on Saturday 15 December to raise money for two good causes.

The Fire Cracker event will run between 11am and 2pm, with proceeds shared between the Fire Fighters Charity and SafeWise.

As well as a range of stalls, there will be refreshments, a raffle (with prizes including a Haven mini-break), performances from local choirs and majorettes, and a birds of prey display.

Santa will be arriving with the help of fire crews and will then set up in his grotto, while children will also have the chance to give their teddy bears a thrill on their own zip wire challenge!

The Weymouth crews will do a live fire display to focus on Christmas safety, and a road traffic collision display will highlight the importance of not drinking and driving.

Watch Manager Adrian Miller, an on-call firefighter at Weymouth who’s organising the event, said: “This will be the third year that we’ve run the Fire Cracker, and we’re hoping to raise as much money as possible for two very worthy charities. We’re always looking for new on-call firefighters, so come along and have a chat if that’s something that interests you!”

More information about Weymouth fire station can be found at www.dwfire.org.uk/weymouth

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