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10th June, 2024 - 6.35pm: Following a 999 call, firefighters found a derelict static caravan wel...Read more

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Firefighters set to climb Mount Snowdon for charity

Date: 27th September, 2023

Firefighters from Royal Wootton Bassett are travelling to North Wales this weekend to take on Mount Snowdon – but they will be tackling the 1,085m ascent while wearing fire full kit. 


The group will be leaving their home Royal Wootton Bassett on Friday afternoon, before making their ascent of the famous mountain on Saturday morning (30 September), using the Miners path. 


The decision to do the climb came from the crew who wanted to come together to raise money for The Firefighters Charity as a team.  


Watch Manager Tom McInerney said: “We have been doing some extra training to prepare for the climb as we will be wearing fire kit, which is heavy in itself. As well as the fire kit, we will also have to carry refreshments and any other essentials. We’re hoping for good weather but not too hot, and we’ll have some collection tins with us in the hope that other walkers on the mountain will show some support!” 


The Fire Fighters Charity provides help to serving and retired personnel, their widows/widowers and young dependants through the provision of sheltered accommodation, recuperative facilities, rehabilitation and therapy, as well as giving financial support to those who need it. The charity works with some 10,000 beneficiaries every year at a cost of £12 million per annum, and these services are financed almost exclusively by fundraising. More information can be found at www.firefighterscharity.org.uk


To support the firefighters in their epic challenge, visit https://www.justgiving.com/page/rwb56snowdon?utm_source=whatsapp&fbclid=IwAR1g6whM9iLIPlPrK-HLqFnwLYfXKFXf4gu2dLoX4KRsirY4GbPYMZKwcDg

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