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Fire Kills campaign urges us all to test the smoke alarms in our homes now and regularly

Date: 6th October, 2020

Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service (DWFRS) is urging people to test their smoke alarms, after research showed that only a quarter of all households who own one test them regularly.

Nationally, there were 199 fire-related deaths in the home in the year ending March 2020. The Fire Kills campaign hopes that, by encouraging everyone to test their smoke alarms more deaths, could be prevented.

Ian Hopkins, Prevention Delivery Manager at DWFRS, said: “You’re around eight times more likely to die in a fire if you don’t have any working smoke alarms. However, research by Fire Kills has found that only 26 per cent of the people who own an alarm say they take the time to test it at least monthly.”

He added: “I’d encourage everyone in Dorset and Wiltshire to make sure you test your smoke alarms today and get into the habit of testing them regularly as they can save you and your family – in the event of a fire, working smoke alarms will give you the valuable time to get out, stay out and call 999.”

To help keep you and your loved ones safe, take these simple steps:

To request a free Safe & Well visit from Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service, call 0800 038 2323 or visit www.dwfire.org.uk/safety for more information and advice.

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